「kisses in june」

art & story / trickywagon

comic project

⸺ updates ⸺

7th May 2023‣ prologue 32-35 // END
27th apr 2023‣ prologue 28-31
14th apr 2023‣ prologue 24-27
4th apr 2023‣ prologue 20-24
29th mar 2023‣ prologue 16b-19
21st mar 2023‣ prologue 13-16a
15th mar 2023‣ prologue 9-12
9th mar 2023‣ shop relaunch // ebony design
7th mar 2023‣ prologue 5-8
28th feb 2023‣ comic launched 🚀
‣ prologue 1-4


left to right





page-by-page view - swipe to navigate

⸺DEMO #01⸺

    26th Apr // 16:30 (UTC+1)

    「kisses in june」 is protected under copyright law.Non-consented redistribution, reproduction, plagiarism, theft or use in AI training is strictly prohibited. The comic is distributed to be read via web on [kissesinjune.com] or distributed physically by [trickywagon.shop]. Any other instances outside of the above or by [trickywagon] will be deemed as an intentional violation of the property.Adjacent instances, such as fanart, reviews, commentary and fan-edits are allowed, but should not be claimed as one's own IP, nor produced for commercial purposes. You may share single panels, but do not repost entire chapters to be read on another platform.If you are interested in licensing the work to be published in English or other languages, please fwd queries to: hello[at]trickywagon.shop